Recent News:

  • New paper accepted in Biometrics:

Wright, W.J. and M.B. Hooten. (In Press). Continuous-space occupancy models. Biometrics.

  • New paper published in Ecosphere:

Leach, C.B., B. Weitzman, J. Bodkin, D. Esler, G.G. Esslinger, K.A. Kloecker, D. Monson, J.N. Womble, and M.B. Hooten. (2024). The dynamics of sea otter prey selection under population growth and expansion. Ecosphere, 15: e70084.

  • New paper accepted in Ecology:

Vahsen, M.L., T.M. Maxwell, D.M. Blumenthal, D. Gamba, M.J. Germino, M.B. Hooten, J.R. Lasky, E.A Leger, N. Pirtel, L.M. Porensky, S. Romero, J.J. Van Ee, S.M. Copeland, D.J. Ensing, P.B. Adler. (In Press). Phenological sensitivity of Bromus tectorum genotypes depends on current and source environments. Ecology.

  • New paper accepted in Ecological Monographs:

Goel, N., A.M. Liebhold, C. Bertelsmeier, M.B. Hooten, K.S. Korolev, and T.H. Keitt. (In Press). A mechanistic statistical approach to infer invasion characteristics of human-dispersed species with complex life cycle. Ecological Monographs.

  • New paper accepted in Bayesian Analysis:

Koslovsky, M.D., A. Kaplan, V.A. Terranova, and M.B. Hooten. (In Press). A unified Bayesian framework for modeling measurement error in multinomial data. Bayesian Analysis.

  • New paper accepted in Biometrics:

Schwob, M.R., M.B. Hooten, and V. Narasimhan. (In Press). Composite dyadic models for spatio-temporal data. Biometrics.