Recent News:

  • New paper published in Journal of Applied Ecology:

Lu, X., Y. Kanno, G. Valentine, G. Rash, and M.B. Hooten. (2024). Using multi-scale spatial models of dendritic ecosystems to infer abundance of a stream salmonid. Journal of Applied Ecology, 61: 1703-1715.

  • New paper accepted in River Research and Applications:

Valentine, G.P., X. Lu, C.A. Dolloff, C.N. Roghair, J.M. Rash, M.B. Hooten, and Y. Kanno. (In Press). Landscape influences on thermal sensitivity and predicted spatial variability among brook trout streams in the Southeastern USA. River Research and Applications.

  • New paper accepted in JABES:

Van Ee, J.J., C.A. Hagen, D.C. Pavlacky Jr., D.A. Haukos, A.J. Lawrence, A.M. Tanner, B.A. Grisham, K.A. Fricke, L.G. Rossi, G.G. Beauprez, K.E. Kuklinski, R. Martin, M.D. Koslovsky, T.B. Rintz, and M.B. Hooten. (In Press). Melded integrated population models. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics.

  • New paper accepted in JABES:

Lu, X., Y. Kanno, G. Valentine, M. Kulp, and M.B. Hooten. (In Press). Regularized latent trajectory models for spatio-temporal population dynamics. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics.

  • New paper accepted in Movement Ecology:

Valle, D., N. Attias, J.A. Cullen, M.B. Hooten, A. Giroux, L. Gustavo, R. Oliveira-Santos, A.L.J. Desbiez, and R.J. Fletcher. (In Press). Bridging the gap between movement data and connectivity analysis using the Time-Explicit Habitat Selection (TEHS) model. Movement Ecology.

  • New paper published in Spatial Statistics:

Hooten, M.B., M.R. Schwob, and D.S. Johnson. (2024). Geostatistical capture-recapture models. Spatial Statistics, 59: 100817.